Try out cycling with our free bike hire!
We have seven App-Bikes on-site at the bike storage unit located behind 1 Wellington Place. There are six standard bikes and one e-bike. App-Bike is a simple way to rent a bike at your convenience and is free to use for all Wellington Place occupiers!
To use the bikes, download the App-Bike app here and sign up using your work email address (to verify that you are an employee working at Wellington Place). Once logged in, select ‘Wellington Place member’ as the payment option and enter your card details. You will not be charged for the rental of the bike, however card details are required in cases of misuse during rent.
Click here to view App-Bike’s terms and conditions.
Select the Wellington Place location pin to see how many bikes are available to reserve or rent. When you have booked a bike, simply scan the QR code on the bike to start renting and tap the lock image to unlock the bike. Test the brakes, lights, tyres and adjust the saddle, then you’re all set to go! A pannier, waterproof cover and high vis vest are included with the bike.
If you would like to rent the e-bike, you must first call 01892 320270 to answer a few extra security questions before you can get on your way.
Helmets are not included, and although they are not essential, we would highly recommend that you wear one. Each company has been allocated two helmets which you can use for free – just ask at your company’s reception desk or contact your office manager.
To end your rental session, simply return the bike to the bike parking units behind 1 Wellington Place. Lock the bike, making sure that you use the plug-in chain to secure the bike to the parking stand. When the lock is closed you are given the option of stopping the rental, which you will need to confirm.
Click here to download the App-Bike leaflet.
Click here to watch the App-Bike tutorial video.
Whether you’re looking for a fun and efficient way to get to meetings, or just fancy a leisurely ride along the canal on your lunch break, App-Bikes are a great option. Cycle routes in the area are shown on the CityConnect map available here.
If you experience any issues while using the bikes, please contact App-Bike customer support directly on 01892320270. For more information please contact our travel team at